Strangers (DVerse)

Strangers (DVerse)

Let the waves take you like a stranger's arms
Hovering above you,below you so far
Strangers in the night yet ourselves costumed in the daylight
At moments enraged with feelings within us
A numbness that cages our emotions and stages us
Makes us be someone we really aren't
Nowhere to go but to have an open heart
To open my eyes and see the light
To reach out and feel their plight
Strength comes in numbers to win this fight
A world so wasted at times let's face it
A purpose, a cause...why do we pause
Jump in the ice cold ocean,with all your clothes on
For feeling the shock of a bitter frigid sea
Reminds us we are wild,living and free
Take my hand as we journey through
Create what we see and want and already knew
A world without fear....or anger or deceit
It can only begin right here you and with me


  1. Jumping in the ice cold ocean with all my clothes on it is! I'm taking the plunge. :-) Thanks for sharing.

  2. love the call to jump in the cold ocean just to feel alive...i am with you there...and perhaps wash a bit of the grit of this world off as well..smiles...

  3. I wonder if we all take the plunge??!! I am there with ya!


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